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You have got to check out Michele Malkin's blog. She's all over the porkulus package; complete with accompanying songs. Michele's column And down at the bottom of the page who do I find but an old friend: Arlo. Now I know he rewrote Tom Paxton's "I'm Changing My Name to Chrysler" while Bush was still in office. But you know what? I don't give a rat's ass! This.......this my friends, is the theme song of the revolution! This thing needs to be played on every radio station in the land! It needs to be played on every car radio! It needs to be burned to CD and sent to every stinkin' Congress critter who voted for this abomination! You know if they get one copy of the song they can pretty much ignore it. But if they get two copies; they may think they were sent by right wingers and they still might ignore it. But if they get three copies..........can you imagine your favorite Congress critter getting three copies of this song? They may think it'...