A quandary
I just got an email from Bill and he's willing to provide the books at cost. So the total, including shipping, is only $125. So we have about $345 extra bucks. (I should have mentioned earlier that Paypal charges a 3.2% transaction fee, so our total is a bit less than $470) So, refunds? Or take kulak's idea and donate the balance to Soldiers' Angels or some other group? Just let me know.
Here is your horoscope
for Tuesday, November 11:
Someone surprising pipes up with some great advice early today. You don't need to think about it too long -- jump on it and follow it up to its logical conclusion. It's a good day to make changes!
Wow! You're early.
It's good that I "don't need to think about it to long" as my attention span is , . .is , . .what was I gonna say? , . .
Oh well, whatever.
Someone surprising pipe up and give me some advice. Try to keep it clean maybe too. Unless it's really funny than let'r rip.