THE TOP 10 Reasons TO Vote for McCain!

Some of you may or may not remember THIS post back in January. Well, I’ve updated it a little to:

THE TOP 10 Reasons TO Vote for McCain!
10. He’s not a Socialist.
9. He’s not a Communist.
8. McCain will only take a little of your hard-earned money instead of all of it.
7. Whether you like McCain or not, The Gipper would have voted for him.
6. Jo’Bama or McCalin isn’t that tough of a choice to make.
5. Terrorists fear John. I heard he once killed one with his bare hands.
4. Wait, that was Fred. Nevermind.
3. Don would have made THIS SIGN for nothing.
2. McCain really isn’t THAT old. Noah was like 500 years old when he built the Ark.
1. I still want to WIN the war.


daddyquatro said…
Excellent list, Chase.
But then #1 is the only one that matters.
Anonymous said…
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