A fun time was had by all

We had quite a little crowd in the Lounge last night.
It started out with Paul A. checking in from his super-secret China location and we were joined by Mark Paules, Otto, alexakim, and Unquiet. As well as Don and qwer dropping by from E!3. If this keeps up I might have to hire a bar maid/serving wench.

Much talk about the chice of prea in Tina. More specifically, can a free market economy grow in the culture of corruption that is emerging China?

Unquiet drew a brilliant analogy between the latest outbreak of trollage on E!3 and the Black Knight scene from "The Holy Grail."

"'Tis but a flesh wound!"
"Have at you!"

If you're not satisfied with our level of service, lower your expectations!

I try to man the bar from 7 to 10 PM Central but I'm an inattentive host at best. If you enter the chat room and see my name in the sidebar but I don't respond right away, grab a bowl of pretzels (fresh yesterday!) and have a seat. I'll be with you in 5 or 10 minutes.
The Lounge is open 24/7 but remember; "Your momma don't work here." Please wipe the table and sweep up the peanut shells before you leave.


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