
Showing posts from January, 2008

Because Chase told me I could...

MY LIVING WILL Last night my sister and I were sitting in the den and I said to her, "I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle to keep me alive. That would be no quality of life at all. If that ever happens, just pull the plug." So she got up, unplugged the computer, and threw out my wine. She's such a bitch.

The Bottom Ten Reasons to Vote for John McCain

10. Liberals only pretend to like him. 9. Conservatives only pretend to like him. 8. So it would be four years of nothing new from DC. 7. No more stupid impeachment bumper stickers. 6. John is a Veteran. 5. So is Ron Paul. 4. Bush didn’t push the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy’s plans enough, even when he had a “mandate”. 3. We’re not getting “The Fence” anyway. 2. I get to go back to not liking the President, like all the cool kids. 1. John could actually win in November. UPDATE 1 : It's seems that D4 is clairvoyant. Check his comment and reflect.

For Chase

Look ma, no monkeys!

Who's Your Candidate?

Well, since Fred dropped out of the race I've been trying to pick a Candidate to vote for. I tend to vote Republican and I still plan to. It's just that they all kinda sound the same: "I voted for it but they all voted against it!" or vice versa. Rudy seems a decent guy - and the way he handled 9/11 was nothing short of phenomenal - but I disagree with too many of his other policies. Mitt is a step in the right direction politically speaking- but nothing about the guy makes me really WANT to vote for him. It's more like, "I trust you more than the other guys, so here's my vote. Try not to mess up, ok?" Also, I don't suffer from short-term memory loss so don't get me started on John. And I never even heard of Mike before last month. Voting for Ron would be a lot like voting for Perot in ’88: many of his ideas sound good till you realize it just ain’t gonna happen. Anyway, what do you think?

Seriously funny picture...

... over at Kim du Toit's site . The caption fits the look perfectly .

Is "Insecure" the new watchword?

Since Rachel decided to take on the "10 Things You Should Never Say To A Woman", I thought I would take a shot at the "10 Things You Should Never Say To A Man", which was linked to in that article. This list was obviously written by someone who is Not A Real Man. If the article didn't attribute it to a man, I would suspect it had been written by a woman who wrote what she thought a Redneck would say. 1) "That looks cute." For the most part, men hate cute. We don't want to hear about it, we don't want to see it, and we sure as hell don't want to be it. If we come down stairs after getting dressed and you tell us we look cute, there's a 100 percent chance we're changing. We're supposed to be your protector, your rock, and cute does not fit into that picture. Sorry pal, but a Real Man understands that women often don't use the same language that men do. If they want to say that something we're wearing, or something we'...

Joined the choir invisible

The Runaways - Saturday Night Special

The Carpenters - Rainy Days And Mondays

Before there were steroids

Sorry, Unquiet

Oklahoma Rawks!

The Best Of Bluegrass - Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms

From the request line

Proof of life

If this doesn't set your toes a tappin'; you're dead.

Coyote catches Road Runner

A classic

For alexa kim

An oldie but a goodie.

We miss you Johnny!

The Tip Jar

I'm certainly not doing this to make money. I have a blast here in the Lounge and it's all due to the great folks who drop by to visit. Some of you, though have expressed an interest in helping to defray the minimal costs and maybe get some fresh peanuts for the bar so I put a PayPal link under The Dougman. If you feel so inclined. Maybe we can upgrade the chaty thing or move this off of Blogspot. Also, if there's a particular song (or cartoon) you're hankering for, leave a request in comments. We aim to please.

When a turtle asks, I deliver

Duck Dogers in the 24 1/2th Century!

Kill the Wabbit!

For Monster

The quality sucks. Sorry.

By special request

A new tradition

This is going to be the weekly Friday post. 'Cause it says it all. Cheers!


Rachel posted this one a few months back. She says it better than I could. There was one comment that caught my eye. "A female Joe Cocker" Hah!

Don't tell 'em I'm here!

After much taunting, MuscleDaddy and the boss, Chase, finally showed last night. Unfortunately, after calling their mothers hamsters and saying they throw like girls, I had to leave or get keeled. Roll Call: MuscleDaddy Chase Unquiet Monster WayneB Otto D4 qwer and Mr. P were early leavers I think we need to have a Ladies night. Free virtual beer! And no lines to the restrooms. That'll do it.

Blogger ate my video

I tried to add a short text update to the Beccy Cole video that I had posted yesterday and Blogger was nice enough to inform me that I had an open tag and would not take the post. This, even though it was embedded straight from YouTube. I'll try to fix the original post so we don't lose the comments. Update: Fixed it! Thanks Monster.

Rumors of his demise were greatly exaggerated.

I was going to post this picture lamenting the loss of our founder. When lo and behold! He shows up in the comments here. Welcome back Chase! We've missed you dude.

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oy! Oy! Oy!

If, unlike me, you feel no pride at all... dig·ger –noun 1. a person or an animal that digs. 2. a tool, part of a machine, etc., for digging. 3. (initial capital letter) Also called Digger Indian. a member of any of several Indian peoples of western North America, esp. of a tribe that dug roots for food. 4. an Australian or New Zealand soldier of World War I. 5. Hero

The Evolution of the Dougman

In case you were wondering why that statue is on the sidebar... This is the story of the Dougman from the comment threads on EjectEjectEject. What am i good at? Tapping forehead,. think...think..think... Posted by: Dougman | May 1, 2007 12:56 PM First comment on “It’s a Moving Company”:ED ...Thinking..Oooo! I GOT Somethin'! I can take the blame for everything that goes wrong or falls short of being Perfect. Like a whipping boy or a burnt offering! yeah that's the ticket! When anyone wants to rant about America, they can blame ME instead! America Sucks can be "Dougman Sucks!" a focal point for everyone's hate! ...Hmmn,..i like it. Posted by: Dougman | May 3, 2007 5:39 AM "'s just too damn bad that the investors dropped out on Kim & Connie du Toit's business start-up." Ahem! Excuse me but, that's MY fault. My department. Don't make me go to the union with this. Posted by: Dougman | May 3, 2007 6:21 AM Sorry, it'll take me a whi...