Since Rachel decided to take on the "10 Things You Should Never Say To A Woman", I thought I would take a shot at the "10 Things You Should Never Say To A Man", which was linked to in that article. This list was obviously written by someone who is Not A Real Man. If the article didn't attribute it to a man, I would suspect it had been written by a woman who wrote what she thought a Redneck would say. 1) "That looks cute." For the most part, men hate cute. We don't want to hear about it, we don't want to see it, and we sure as hell don't want to be it. If we come down stairs after getting dressed and you tell us we look cute, there's a 100 percent chance we're changing. We're supposed to be your protector, your rock, and cute does not fit into that picture. Sorry pal, but a Real Man understands that women often don't use the same language that men do. If they want to say that something we're wearing, or something we'...