A quandary
I just got an email from Bill and he's willing to provide the books at cost. So the total, including shipping, is only $125. So we have about $345 extra bucks. (I should have mentioned earlier that Paypal charges a 3.2% transaction fee, so our total is a bit less than $470) So, refunds? Or take kulak's idea and donate the balance to Soldiers' Angels or some other group? Just let me know.
"Wabbit Swayer"
In de dark of de niiiiight,
A shimmewing wiiiiight,
In de fwash of a bwaaaade,
When de deviw is paaaaid,
De axe comes dooooown,
A chiwwing soooouuund,
Steew against a heeeaad,
Anudda wabbit is deeeaad.
Ah'm a Wabbit Swayer,
A guitaw pwayer,
Wid a nasty habit,
Kiw de Wabbit!
...nevermind - I'll email it to you.
- MD