Who's Your Candidate?

Well, since Fred dropped out of the race I've been trying to pick a Candidate to vote for. I tend to vote Republican and I still plan to. It's just that they all kinda sound the same: "I voted for it but they all voted against it!" or vice versa. Rudy seems a decent guy - and the way he handled 9/11 was nothing short of phenomenal - but I disagree with too many of his other policies. Mitt is a step in the right direction politically speaking- but nothing about the guy makes me really WANT to vote for him. It's more like, "I trust you more than the other guys, so here's my vote. Try not to mess up, ok?" Also, I don't suffer from short-term memory loss so don't get me started on John. And I never even heard of Mike before last month. Voting for Ron would be a lot like voting for Perot in ’88: many of his ideas sound good till you realize it just ain’t gonna happen.
Anyway, what do you think?


daddyquatro said…
Hey Chase,
Now Rudy has dropped out, it's basically down to McCain and Romney. Are you in a Super Tuesday state? Usually by the time the primaries come to Texas it's all over but the shouting.
I was a Fredhead. If my vote still matters come March 4th, I'll probably pull the lever for Romney.
McCain might have a chance of beating Hillary, simply because the hate factor is so high, but there's no way he beats Obama.
BTW, that opinion and $1.50 will buy you a cup of coffee.
DougLoss said…
If it's McCain for the Republicans, I may have to vote third-party or not vote for President at all. Sorry, but there's no way I can vote for him, or for either of the likely Dems.

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