I attended a concert in 1989 in Dayton, Ohio --- a world-wide tour of "Masters of the Folk Violin."
This tour included Seamus Connolly, Claude Williams, Michael Doucet, Joe Cormier, Kenny Baker, Claude Williams, and Alison Krauss, then aged 16 years.
She was just as approachable and modest when I met her after her 1992 concert at Chicago's Olde Towne School. A great lady. Thanks for posting the video.
I just got an email from Bill and he's willing to provide the books at cost. So the total, including shipping, is only $125. So we have about $345 extra bucks. (I should have mentioned earlier that Paypal charges a 3.2% transaction fee, so our total is a bit less than $470) So, refunds? Or take kulak's idea and donate the balance to Soldiers' Angels or some other group? Just let me know.
This tour included Seamus Connolly, Claude Williams, Michael Doucet, Joe Cormier, Kenny Baker, Claude Williams, and Alison Krauss, then aged 16 years.
She was just as approachable and modest when I met her after her 1992 concert at Chicago's Olde Towne School. A great lady. Thanks for posting the video.
--- from a long-time fiddling fool